Accredited B

Based on the Decision of BAN-PT No. 5908/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/S/IX/2022.

The Information Technology Study Program, in the Bachelor's Degree Program at STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business, meets the requirements for ranking Accredited B.


Our vision is to establish ourselves as a distinguished and globally recognized institution in the realms of science, technology, and the arts.


We are committed to executing the Tridharma of higher education with utmost professionalism and excellence.

We actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge, technology, and the arts through our proactive involvement in their development.

We strive to provide the maximum benefits to the surrounding community, region, and nation through the development and application of knowledge, technology, and the arts.

We actively foster collaborations with various domestic and international stakeholders to promote the development and enhance the quality of ITB STIKOM Bali.

We strive to create a prestigious and comfortable environment that can be proudly cherished by all members of our campus community.

We carry out institutional management by adhering to the principles of good governance and administration (transparency, accountability, responsibility, autonomy, and fairness).

Graduates' Professions.

System Analyst

Graduates of the Information Technology program are capable of analyzing, planning, coordinating, and
selecting appropriate software and systems to meet the needs of organizations/companies.

System integrator

Graduates of the Information Technology program are capable of analyzing information technology needs, starting from planning, coordinating, developing, and integrating software and hardware systems for the information management needs of organizations/companies.

Software Developer

Graduates of the Information Technology program are capable of developing, analyzing, creating, and modifying software.

IT Entrepreneur

Graduates of the Information Technology program not only possess technical knowledge about devices but also have knowledge and an entrepreneurial spirit.

IT Security

Graduates of the Information Technology program are capable of ensuring the security of technological devices, including both hardware and software, as well as computer systems and networks used for managing information within

Program Study Management

I Wayan Ardiyasa, S.Kom., M.MSI.
Riza Wulandari, S.Sos., M.SI.
Ni Made Ayu Juli Astari, S.Kom., M.Kom.
I Gede Teguh Satya Dharma, S.Kom., M.Cs.
I Nyoman Sudiasa, S.Kom
Made Yudi Dwipayana, S.Kom.

Supporting Facility

Hardware Laboratorium
Database Laboratorium

Hardware Laboratorium

Laboratorium ini menjadi pusat kegiatan mahasiswa dan dosen untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan Embedded System, Robotika, dan Internet of Things.

Database Laboratorium

In database This laboratory serves as the center for student and faculty activities in carrying out the Tridharma of higher education, particularly in the fields of Embedded Systems, Robotics, and Internet of Things., mahasiswa akan diberikan pengalaman praktik strategi untuk merencanakan, mendesain dan mengoperasikan sebuah basis data.